Friday, October 24, 2014

Reflection #9

This week, I taught in class about different types of poems. When it comes to poems, I turn to a naive person. Again, poems are not my type. I find them difficult to read. When our instructor Ms. Elizabeth showed the different types of poems, I looked away. I knew that she was going to let us write on one of the different types. Even with all the difficulties I went through to write one, I managed to write one. Even if it might not have been perfectly written but, I am grateful that I did one. From writing the poem, I remembered back in high school when one of my teachers ask us, students, to write a poem about something. I remembered being hidden under my table just to not do the poem. I now know that being afraid of what we think might let us down for some reasons is not a good answer for us. Now that I have learned, I know that I can't always run from my weaknesses. They might be gone for awhile and then there, we see them again. It is better that we faced the most difficult task of our lives.


  1. High school life, as defined by you, Pam, is naive. Your reaction when you were about to write poetry magnified to me as a reader of your blog that you were once afraid of adapting to a new environment in school life. Yet, now that you have finally reached the maturity line, you are now a brand, new Pam who is never going to back down in taking the risk to reach the highest point in life. Life's a climb.

  2. High school life is a disaster for most of us. Haha! That's the spirit, Pam! Improve your weaknesses. You're only as weak as you think, so don't let your mind make you weak. Don't bring yourself down. Sometimes, a little boost of confidence is all we need. :)

  3. You are right guys. I will take you two's advices as compliments. Thank you guys. I will not back down and bring myself down for something I don't know. I will seek help and further information until I get that thing done.
