Friday, November 21, 2014

Reflection #13

This week has been a good one. On the Wednesday, as usual, our instructor gave us prompt. The prompt was a picture. Whenever there's picture prompt, I always find it difficult to write. I don't know what's happening in the picture. Sometimes, I write picture prompts and ends up with non relating sentences. I find this one of my weaknesses; It not just happens to me but also my classmates. Sometimes when I looked at them, they stick their mouths and ears with their pens or pencils. I think that the reason why they are doing such thing is because they can't think of what to write. There are others ways that I see them doing. I think that for us in the classroom not to think and act like this, we should just write. Just write about what you think of the picture even if it may not be related. What's important is for our hands to move faster than our brains.

I think that for my picture prompt to be improved, I just have to go with the flow. Just go on writing without thinking about what's going on in the picture. This is my goal for next class if there is going to be one.


  1. I agree. Just write. No matter what you write. As long you write. lol

  2. Sometimes it helps not to look at the whole picture but to focus on just one thing in it and go from there.

  3. In this circle of agreement. I would pause for a minute or two just to jot down what I am supposed to write. Sometimes, it gets really strenuous when thinking about more than two things simultaneously. But I have noticed everyone is getting better.

  4. Thank you Jenny and Reuben for your comments.
