Monday, April 16, 2012

Everyday Life in the Marshall Islands

Every morning I wake and walk to school.
It’s around 7 in the morning and traffic seems to be on the roll.
People seem to be in a hurry either to school or work.
I can hear taxis sounding their horns to people who wave at them to stop.
They probably mean they’re full, or they’re not yet in service.
I can see old men having coffee and telling stories.
I think they’re friends by the way they laugh and look.
I can see people walking with backpacks on.
They’re probably going to school just by the speed they’re walking at.
I believe they can’t afford taxi fare and that’s why they’re walking.
Now it’s around 9ish to 10ish.
Traffic is slow and taxis are mostly occupying the road.
The sun shining really brightly that I’m sweating really hard.
Around 12ish to 1ish, traffic is back on the roll.
Workers and students are now on their lunch break.
Everyone seems to be in a hurry either because they’re lunch time is limited or they have so much work to do.
Taxis are full of passengers and it frustrates other people because they’re in a hurry too, but there aren’t enough taxis on island.
Then traffic seems to get slow around 2ish.
Everyone is back to work.
Taxis are barely full.
Then around 3ish, traffic is on the roll again.
Parents are rushing over to school to pick up kids.
Kids are walking either because they live near or they can’t afford taxi fare.
Around 4ish and traffic is slow again.
I can see kids now without their uniforms on.
Now it’s 5ish and traffics strikes again.
Workers are rushing home to their families.
They’re stopping at stores to buy dinner.
Taxis are full again.
7ish and people are still up.
Kids are being sent to the store to buy dinner.
They usually buy hotdogs which only cost 25 cents.
Now it’s 9ish, and I can barely see kids.
Now I see adults walking around.
It’s 10 now and I can barely see any cars.
That’s a typical day in the Marshall Islands.

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