Thursday, December 6, 2012

Planting Trees

An important part of life here in the Marshall Islands, especially in the outer Islands, is planting trees that we can get food from. Today many Marshallese people are struggling finding ways to provide the everyday needs for their families. This is one of the ways many Marshallese believe will help them and their families in the future. I have many neighbors trying to make gardens full of many trees that they can get foods from. They tell me that life today in the Marshall Islands is getting harder and that’s why they create gardens. I also have gardens where I can get food to eat when I have no choice in what to eat for that day. We can also eat and drink from the coconut tree. All of these things are what we Marshallese expect would help us in the future when life gets harder. We Marshallese have to try growing more fruit trees or other trees that would give us food and drink whenever we need them. To all the Marshallese out there: we have to joined hands together and will find ways to make life easier by growing more trees on our beautiful Islands of the Marshall Islands.